Game over

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum. 

Actus ou information sur le tabac

Qui fume en France ? La France compte près de 16 millions de fumeurs. Un tiers des personnes de 15 à 85 ans (32 %) fume ne serait-ce que de temps en temps (36% des hommes et 28% des femmes). Entre 18 et 34 ans, près d’une personne sur deux fume. Le tabagisme concerne déjà un jeune de 15 à 19 ans sur trois (32 %). Sa prévalence atteint un maximum de 46 % chez les femmes de 20-25 ans et 55 % chez les hommes de 26-34 ans.
Qui fume en France ? La France compte près de 16 millions de fumeurs. Un tiers des personnes de 15 à 85 ans (32 %) fume ne serait-ce que de temps en temps (36% des hommes et 28% des femmes). Entre 18 et 34 ans, près d’une personne sur deux fume. Le tabagisme concerne déjà un jeune de 15 à 19 ans sur trois (32 %). Sa prévalence atteint un maximum de 46 % chez les femmes de 20-25 ans et 55 % chez les hommes de 26-34 ans.
concours !!!

les regles 

The Dark Beer of Lakewood, Colorado

The legendary stout was born out of the beautiful matrimony of a mountain man and his most beloved thing, the city of Lakewood in Colorado. The mountain man also loved his axe and his single-shot Remington rifle, but not as much as he loved his city. He dreamed of her flowy rivers and majestic mountains. So he named his greatest stout after her. Thus the glorious stout was birthed out of a mountain man’s heart.

“I crafted this glorious beer to express my undying love for my beautiful city.”

- Mountain Man

Plus sur le concours

The Dark Beer of Lakewood, Colorado

The legendary stout was born out of the beautiful matrimony of a mountain man and his most beloved thing, the city of Lakewood in Colorado. The mountain man also loved his axe and his single-shot Remington rifle, but not as much as he loved his city. He dreamed of her flowy rivers and majestic mountains. So he named his greatest stout after her. Thus the glorious stout was birthed out of a mountain man’s heart.

“I crafted this glorious beer to express my undying love for my beautiful city.”

- Mountain Man

#4 Layout with CSS

Inspiration !

Similar to adding style to an element, to change the position of an element first add a class and then edit the position properties. You’ll learn about Margin, Padding, Display, Float, Overflow, and Position. 

Absolute Position Example

My Cup of Joe

This is a photo caption text.

Description: If you set Position to Absolute on an element, you’ll be able to position it in anywhere inside its parent block. To choose which parent to position inside of, set the parent element’s Position to Relative. Note: When elements are absolute positioned they float above other elements.
Style It Yourself
TIP: First select the Image Wrapper element and set its Position to Relative. Next select the caption, drag it into the image set it’s Position to Absolute and choose the 7th preset. To position the Featured badge into the correct place choose the 2nd preset and manually position it.
#5 Style Cascading

Utilizing Cascading Styles

You can easily create variations of an element by adding additional classes on top of each other and adding different styles on those classes. Check out the example below where we have different variations of a button. 

Shared button styles example
GREEN Button
RED Button
Design the buttons yourself
GREEN Button
RED Button
TIP: Select the second button and click on the [+] next to the class to add another class. You can call it “Green”. Then give it different styles. These styles will override the base styles of the first class. Then create the Red button. 
#6 media queries

In Webflow you first design your website for desktop devices and then make changes on mobile devices (access the Device icons in the top bar). Adding styles in a mobile device will override the desktop styles.